Stress-Free Timeline for Designing Your Nursery

The process of designing your baby’s nursery is an exciting time for all involved. However, between choosing a theme, obtaining the right furniture items, and acquiring everything else your baby will need, it can seem like there’s not enough time to do it all. Feeling pressed for time leads to the onset of anxiety and stress—two things you definitely shouldn’t have to experience during this wonderful time. So, to get a head start on your preparations and save you time later in the pregnancy, here’s an effective stress-free timeline for designing your nursery.
18-20 Weeks: Decide on a Theme
To ensure you have the time to turn your nursery vision into a reality, it’s advisable to you have a solid design plan by the 18- to 20-week mark. Having the larger design decisions already made by this time, such as color and theme, gives you ample opportunity to find items that will work best with them. Additionally, this also gives you the extra time to think over your choices and make any necessary changes if you decide that you don’t like something anymore.
21-23 Weeks: Order Essential Baby Furniture
You can then spend the following few weeks acquiring the proper baby furniture and arranging each item to your specifications. By starting to shop a little early, you’ll be able to look around, compare prices, and even do a bit of research on specific models that catch your eye. This is a great way to ensure that you’re getting the best possible products for your needs at a realistic and affordable price.
24-27 Weeks: Decorate and Incorporate Storage
Around the 24-week benchmark is when you should start painting and organizing furniture for the most optimal, stress-free nursery designing timeline. This four-week range gives you the time to undertake the project, experiment with layouts, and ultimately decide on the best ways to convey your theme. Once you’ve positioned the main pieces of furniture in your nursery, such as the crib, dresser, and changing table, you can begin strategically incorporating storage.
28-36 Weeks: Tie Up Loose Ends
In the fast-approaching final weeks of pregnancy, it’s rare for expecting mothers to have the additional energy to finish designing their baby’s nursery. This is why following a timeline can be very beneficial in getting the bulk of the work done before the baby’s due date. Still, that doesn’t mean that there’s nothing left to do. Weeks 28 to 36 act as a useful buffer period for acquiring last-minute care items, arranging them how you want in the nursery, and making everything perfect for your new arrival.
At Simply Nursery, we know that designing and building a nursery can be a race against the clock. This is why we aim to provide parents with a bit of peace of mind as well as quality baby furniture to help raise your newborn. Our stock of eco-friendly baby furniture contains beautiful products that make for not only a lovely nursery addition but also a practical and safe place to watch your baby thrive.
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